Turning Point
SEASON 2024-2025

Turning Point goes Alice in Wonderland
In June we are taking the stage again with a big and spectacular show with the ENTIRE school! We are going to do a twist on Alice in Wonderland.
We will have 12 shows, 2 on each of the following dates: 13th -14th -15th of June, 20th -21st -22nd of June
Location: W.T.C.
Below you can find WHEN your child is scheduled to perform. How to work the schedule:
Check the style, day of the week, and time of their class at Turning Point. Find their class below in the schedule, it gives you the performance date.
If your child already knows what they are in the show, you can search by dance, that's easier to find. Find their class along the row of the dance, it gives you the performance date.
What if it is HIGHLIGHTED in yellow?? This means this class is doing MORE THAN ONE DAY. Please check for more days that the group is scheduled.
What if the group is not highlighted? This means they are scheduled to perform only that one day.

Update on our NEW JERSEY Dance Trip of January 9-13 2025 will be posted soon!

LAURA at the Brussels International Ballet School!!
Our Laura got accepted into the prestigious Brussels International Ballet School for the Summer Intensive of 2024. With the help of Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied, EY Young Talent Fund and various private sponsors, we have embarked on this journey. We are so so proud!!!

SEASON 2023-2024
End Of Season SHOW on the 29th of JUNE
We will close this season with a spectacular show at Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei.
This show is extra special, as all proceeds will go to our NEW international trip next season. We are taking our junior selection groups to a Dance Convention in the USA! A lot of training, scheduling and money saving goes into such a trip. Make sure to get your tickets in time!

You can bring a friend to class in the week of June 24-29!

Parents, friends and other family can watch your class in the week of June 17-22!

With immense pride we share that our Laura has been accepted into the prestigious Brussels International Ballet School for the two week Summer Intensive of 2024!

For the selection classes of the new season we held auditions on June 13 and 14. A great number of passionate dancers showed up, results will be emailed soon!

Guest Teacher Workshops!
We had the great honor of hosting Russian Ballet Master Leonid Kozlov for a ballet intensive. Our selection students took master classes from this former Principal dancer from the Bolshoi and New York City ballet. Thanks to Kaina for capturing this amazing experience 😍
Talent spotted!
We are thrilled to announce that Laura has been awarded a generous sponsorship by EYoung Talent Fonds op Naam to support her ballet journey!
Laura, PABIEN! We are so proud of you!!
A huge thank you to EYoung Talent Fonds op Naam for their incredible support and belief in Laura's talent and potential. With their generosity, Laura will be able to pursue her dreams and continue her pursuit of excellence in ballet. We are immensely grateful for EYoung Talent Fonds op Naam and PBCCG's commitment to nurturing young talent in the arts. Their support not only empowers our Laura but also inspires countless others to follow their passions.
Below some images of Laura and her private training with Mr. Kozlov.

We had 3 SOLD OUT dinner shows on December 1 and 2!
The selection students hosted this evening and the proceeds go to their much anticipated study trip to New York City, where they will take many workshops, classes, masterclasses and see various shows.

Performances on location
In the meantime we did some private events, performances at the beautiful Landhuis Brakkput Mei Mei, the Kindermuseum and were we part of the entertainment at the Penha Salina Fashion Show in November and December.

Kaya Kaya
We were thrilled to do performances at the Kaya Kaya event in September

Dance Marathon
With more than 75 students taking part in our dance marathon, we raised a lot of funds for our sponsor list kids; financially less able students but with a LOT of passion! A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who contributed to this honorable cause!!

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The Oscars show
June 16-17-18 and 23-24-25, 2023